Should the age of participation in education or training be raised to 18 in Wales?

Dr Matt Dickson is Reader in Public Policy at the Institute for Policy Research (IPR) at the University of Bath. Sue Maguire is an Honorary Professor at the IPR at the University of Bath. Their research on raising the age…

The impact of infrastructure on wellbeing in Wales

Infrastructure is inextricably linked to well-being. Good infrastructure, well-designed and well-located, developed according to sound principles and in collaboration with the end-users, will likely produce outstanding results for a long period of time. The converse is also true. The upcoming…

Infrastructure requirements for Wales to transition to a prosperous, sustainable economy

Understanding wealth and wellbeing   The twenty-first century will not be like the twentieth. Most obviously, the economy of the future will be low-carbon, more efficient, less reliant on fossil fuels and highly digitised.   It will need to forgo dangerous depletion…
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