It has long been recognised that for the most vulnerable children, those at risk of going into care, the services that offer support must be provided in a coordinated and ‘joined-up’ way. This is both because of overlapping problems and…
How might anti-smoking policies affect the rise in vaping?
The increasing number of people using e-cigarettes, presents a significant policy challenge to governments in Wales, the UK, and elsewhere. We look at the differing measures governments around the world are putting in place. In the UK, 9.1% of adults…
It’s time to talk about loneliness inequalities
In this blog, Josh Coles-Riley explains why the Wales Centre for Public Policy has commissioned a major new review of research on loneliness inequalities – and why WCPP is now planning an event to bring together policymakers, practitioners, researchers and…
Social care workforce crisis in Wales: what is causing it and what is being done to fix it?
The consistent message in recent submissions to the Senedd enquiry on the Health and Social Care workforce strategy was that the social care workforce is in ‘crisis’. Services are struggling to find or retain staff. And, of course, the provision…
What does the Welsh health and social care system look like?
Our previous blog, Is healthcare in Wales really that different?, sets out some of the key features of the Welsh health and social care system, and key differences from other parts of the UK. Like other developed healthcare systems, the…
Are the Welsh Government’s plans for the Welsh NHS Executive a missed opportunity?
With so much of the focus on the NHS being given to waiting times, it was easy to miss the Welsh Government’s update on the NHS Executive for Wales. This may seem like a bureaucratic distraction from more important issues,…
Waiting for care
Waiting for care arises from the mismatch between the need for care, and the capacity of NHS services to meet those needs and can lead to adverse outcomes. The report from the Wales Centre for Public Policy highlights how the…
National Milestones – Using evidence and expertise to tell a ‘status story’
The ‘second wave’ of Welsh Government consultation on its National Milestones ended last month. The Milestones relate to a set of National Indicators, articulated under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, which enable the measurement of progress towards…
Integrating wellbeing objectives into long-term infrastructure planning
Integrating wellbeing objectives into long-term infrastructure planning is a necessary condition for ensuring the Wellbeing of Future Generations. From empowering citizens to make decisions affecting their local communities to creating new jobs and building resilience to social, economic, and environmental…
Volunteering lessons from the pandemic
Amanda Carr, Director of Swansea Council for Voluntary Service (SCVS), reflects on how new research into volunteering and wellbeing during the pandemic matches up with her own experiences. I wanted to start by taking the opportunity to wish everyone a…