Emma Taylor-Collins and Hannah Durrant from Wales Centre for Public Policy, and WCVA’s Helpforce Cymru Manager Fiona Liddell look for a pattern in recent volunteering success stories from across Wales. Over the past few months, we’ve heard a lot about…
Supporting mental health and wellbeing in fishermen and fishing communities
In September 2020 the Centre published it’s report Policy options for Welsh fishing opportunities, which explores the potential fishing opportunities open to Wales after the European Transition. Equally as important as the financial implications for the sector is the mental…
Caring for the Care Sector: How Can We Support New Models of Home Care
Social care needs help. We can only describe a service as in “crisis” for so long until that becomes the norm, and the very name “domiciliary care” makes it sound like a chore that needs to be completed. In our…
Domiciliary Care: what it’s really like?
My Name is Lucy and I currently work as a Policy Officer for the National Commissioning Board, (NCB). The NCB is made up of representatives from Health & Social Care organisations in Wales. The aim of the board is to…
The Coronavirus pandemic and the cost of health
The current Coronavirus pandemic has brought healthcare and science experts to the centre of public debate. Questions about rationing resources such as access to specialist healthcare, testing, and availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) are being discussed daily. There has…
How are we going to fund social care?
The Coronavirus pandemic has highlighted, more than ever, the importance of funding social care. Local authorities are concerned about meeting their statutory duties, paying care workers a fair wage and ensuring a stable care market in their current budget constraints.…
What does Brexit mean for the Welsh health and social care workforce?
Regardless of what happens on the broader Brexit negotiations, change is coming on January 1; free movement will end, and the new “points-based system” will be introduced. In new research for the Wales Centre for Public Policy, Craig Johnson, Elsa…
What we do and don’t know about ageing better in Wales
Recently the Centre invited Dr Anna Dixon, Chief Executive of the What Works Centre for Ageing Better, to visit us and exchange knowledge on ageing better with key stakeholders here in Wales at a roundtable and a public event. In…
Clapping after Coronavirus: The implications of the Coronavirus pandemic for health and social care workers
The Coronavirus pandemic has turned the world’s attention to the work of our carers. Each week, many of us have been clapping to recognise and show our appreciation for the difficult jobs that those in health and social care, as…
Recovering from the Coronavirus pandemic: maintaining a legacy of volunteering
One of the few positive side effects of the pandemic has been the apparent eruption in volunteering we’ve seen across Welsh communities – both in terms of the grassroots groups that have sprung up all over the country and the…