Promoting pathways out of poverty – and preventing the pitfalls of poverty entry

Enabling ‘pathways’ out of poverty must be a fundamental goal of any anti-poverty strategy. But how should such a strategy seek to achieve this? And how can we ensure that these ‘pathways’ translate into meaningful reductions in levels of poverty…

Embedding Black and minority ethnic history, identity and culture into Welsh education

“Black history is Welsh history, and Welsh history is Black history” Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales (October 2020)   The new Curriculum for Wales 2022 presents an interesting challenge for progressing the ambition to see the representation of Black,…

Post-Brexit Migration and Wales: Potential impacts of the new system and recommendations on the priorities for influencing UK immigration policy.

Following the end of free movement on 31st December 2020, thinking turns not only to the impacts of the new immigration system, but also to how devolved nations can seek to respond to these changes. A recent report by Dr…

Fairer Futures: Understanding Inequality in the Our Future Wales consultation

The Welsh Government launched the Our Future Wales consultation in May 2020 with the aim of identifying ideas and solutions for rebuilding Wales following the Coronavirus pandemic. The public consultation drew more than 2,000 responses from individuals, groups, and organisations…
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