Post-16 education and training are vital to individual opportunity and to the green economic growth Wales needs if it is to match the ambition of the Well-being of Future Generations Act. Wales has a proud tradition of valuing learning and…
A Conversation on Wales’ Future
On 18th September 2020 we, along with our colleagues at WISERD (Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research and Data), hosted a webinar in which Carwyn Jones MS (former First Minister of Wales), Auriol Miller (Director of the Institute of…
Tackling Inequalities through Gender Budgeting
With the opportunity provided by the Gender Equality Review and the commitment to feminist principles by the Welsh Government, the time is ripe for the Government to step fully into a gender analysis of its budget process. With the framework…
Why We Need Evidence on Poverty
Poverty is a long-standing and apparently intractable problem in Wales. Around 23% of population, some 700,000 people, live on household incomes of less than 60% of the median. Poverty casts a long shadow over educational attainment, relationships, employment, health, and…
Responding to those in difficulty with council tax debt in Wales: what does the evidence show?
This blog draws on a recent Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) report ‘Responding to citizens in debt to public services: A rapid evidence review’ co-authored by Sharon Collard from the University of Bristol with Helen Hodges and Paul Worthington…
5 Things You Should Know About Gender Equality in Wales
The Wales Centre for Public Policy is currently contributing to the Welsh Government’s Gender Equality Review, announced by the First Minister earlier this year with the aim of making Wales a world leader in gender equality Following our report in…
Our part in the Welsh Government Gender Equality Review
In a speech on International Women’s Day, 8th March, the First Minister announced a review of “gender and equality policies bring new impetus to our work”. The review will consider what is and isn’t working well in Wales, provide…